ARL Trackside Team transforms Kids charity playground

6th August 2024 Reading time 2 minutes

As we continue to support our local communities, we are pleased to see our ARL trackside team undertake a weeklong volunteer project to transform the KIDS charity’s playground in London. Here at Carlisle Support Services, we live by our core values, and if we make…

Fulfilling career aspirations

25th September 2023 Reading time 2 minutes

At Carlisle Support Services, we believe that growth is not just a company goal – it’s a personal journey and career progression for each member of our Carlisle family. In 2022, our recruitment team saw 20% of our salaried operational and central vacancies taken up…

Transitioning to civilian life after 22 years in the Army

23rd June 2023 Reading time 5 minutes

Derek Allison joined the Army as an Apprentice Soldier back in June 1984 and retired 22 years later in December 2007 as a Warrant Officer Class 2. In this article, we find out more about his experience in the army and transition to civilian life.…

“Try and fail, but never fail to try”

23rd June 2023 Reading time 11 minutes

In celebration of the Armed Forces Week, we have interviewed a few Carlisle employees that have transitioned from the armed forces to civilian life. In this article, we are interviewing our Operations Manager and Travel Safe Officer Peter O’Hare, who works on the East Midlands Railway…

“There are no weak links in a team, there are merely different skill sets”

22nd June 2023 Reading time 5 minutes

In this article, we bring forward Scott Carey’s transition story to civilian life. Having joined the army at 18 years old, Scott left 7 years later as a Sapper after he successfully completed a cadre. Can you describe your transition from the armed forces to…

“Failing to prepare is preparing to fail”

21st June 2023 Reading time 5 minutes

As we continue to celebrate Armed Forces Week, we bring forward another armed forces to civilian life transition story from one of our security staff members. Having joined the army on 16th January 1991 as a Combat Engineer at 17 years old, Franz served for…

Celebrating Armed Forces Week

20th June 2023 Reading time 5 minutes

From Army to Security Contract Manager In celebration of the Armed Forces Week, we have interviewed a few Carlisle employees that have transitioned from the armed forces to civilian life. In this article, we are interviewing our security contract manager at BBC Studioworks, Taiyib Henry,…

RSSB Affiliate Programme

Carlisle Support Services becomes first Facilities Management organisation to join the RSSB Affiliate Programme

28th July 2020 Reading time 2 minutes

Across the globe the rail industry faces significant challenges. Growth in passenger and freight traffic tests our railways to achieve and maintain higher performance under pressure. In the years ahead there will be bigger commercial and technological challenges to rail, including the need to increase…

East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

Supporting the NHS with charity donation to East and North Hertfordshire Trust

27th July 2020 Reading time 2 minutes

Last week, we were delighted to present the Children’s Ward from East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust with a cheque for £800. Pictured above is Adrian White, Emma Pearman, and Yameen Choudhry from Carlisle Support Services with Kelly Elliot, Play Specialist for the Trust. Each…


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